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by Rob Trek
02 Jun 2023 12:09
Forum: Photography Topics, News, & Rumors
Topic: The Enhanced RAW Format from Olympus
Replies: 5
Views: 10824

Re: The Enhanced RAW Format from Olympus

One of my greatest weaknesses in life is not reading enough. Your blog has such a wealth of information that I need to dive into. I completely agree with you that there is a lot of misinformation being presented and repeated (myself included). I'm planning to do a new video on metering, which will r...
by Rob Trek
31 May 2023 23:08
Forum: Photography Topics, News, & Rumors
Topic: The Enhanced RAW Format from Olympus
Replies: 5
Views: 10824

Re: The Enhanced RAW Format from Olympus

I need to read more closely about the histogram reading off the sensor rather than the projected live view. The live view and histogram are capped +/- 3 stops from neutral grey, which is fine. But what I'm reading from your blog is that the histogram represents the full range (effectively raw) read ...
by Rob Trek
16 Feb 2023 12:20
Forum: Photography Topics, News, & Rumors
Topic: What could Olympus have done better on the marketing battlefied...
Replies: 2
Views: 9978

Re: What could Olympus have done better on the marketing battlefied...

Thanks again for sharing your experience. You wouldn't happen to have a link to the interview you mention?
by Rob Trek
17 Jan 2023 18:51
Forum: Photography Topics, News, & Rumors
Topic: Oly 14-42mm Just Died. Suggest a Replacement
Replies: 1
Views: 7124

Re: Oly 14-42mm Just Died. Suggest a Replacement

I like the 12-32mm. At 12mm, it's at f/3.5, so not that much slower than 14mm at f/2.5. I'd get the 20mm f/1.7 pancake over the 14mm.
by Rob Trek
16 Dec 2022 21:21
Forum: Photography Topics, News, & Rumors
Topic: LCD panel shuts off during night shots
Replies: 2
Views: 7438

Re: LCD panel shuts off during night shots

Seems like something is wrong. Try setting the LCD to stay on. Do this by toggling the evf button.
by Rob Trek
18 Nov 2022 16:48
Forum: Share Your Photos
Topic: Orion Nebula - Processed with Photolab 6
Replies: 0
Views: 12383

Orion Nebula - Processed with Photolab 6

orion single shot.jpg *Photolab 6 Free trial: Here is a before and after of a single shot of Orion Nebula. As I am waiting for ASTAP to finish processing my lights, I decided to grab a single image from the set and process it in Photolab 6. I stretched the histogram a bit fi...
by Rob Trek
17 Nov 2022 01:04
Forum: Critique or Edit My Photos
Topic: Edit my Photo "Daisy May" old truck
Replies: 0
Views: 20968

Edit my Photo "Daisy May" old truck

Here is the original P7020003-original_1.jpg My Edit P7020003-robs.jpg Marcel Van Cotthem rob trek3 - Marcel Van cotthem.jpg Marcel Van Cotthem rob trek2 - Marcel Van cotthem.jpg Tony B. P7020003-Edit - Tony B.jpg Serge Gi P7020003-01-02 - Serge Gi.jpeg Huw Parry P7020003 copy - Huw Parry.jpg John F...