I tried it out this morning and I think there is some potential. The close focus distance of the 17mm is usually 25cm but with the MCON-P02 it is half that, maybe a bit closer even (one day I'll check it more carefully). I feel it makes a big difference and could help you get some nice shots of flowers. This might be good for casual use, maybe for holidays because I don't usually take my 60mm macro lens on such trips.
I put a few example photos here:
It's Google Photos so it downsizes and it's just a quick selection from a few minutes this morning - don't expect much! When I took the photos they are all JPEG, no post-processing at all. GX80, handheld.
By the way, I think the MCON-P02 deserves more airtime. Years ago I was using it a lot with my 45mm F1.8 lens. I wrote the following article:
https://mgxp.blogspot.com/2015/09/olymp ... erter.html