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Telescopes need home.

Posted: 09 Aug 2021 14:45
by DeMorcan
I have 3 telescopes that need homes. I can no longer handle the weight.
1 is an 8" fairly generic reflector.
The 2nd is a 5" f6 Mak-Newt made in Russia. It is indestructible because Russia did not have the road system and support network the US and Europe had so things had to be built to last. It is good for planetary photography. But the design gathers a little less light for deep space objects. I shot all of the Messier Objects with it. This has traveled a lot and done a lot of star parties.
The third is a hand build 5" off axis in an 8" carbon fiber tube. This means there no currents or cool down time as the air flows through it. It is a light weight alternative to a refractor and have shot alongside and 5" AP getting comparable photos. It is hard to find anything to compare to these since the design is expensive to make and not common. It was used for shooting the Herschel 400 as well as hosting star parties for friend and neighbors.
The mirrors have not been resurfaced for 9 years.
I have many eyepieces for viewing although the Tele Vue Naglers have been sold. I think there is one 40mm wide angle left. The others are all higher magnification. Tripods (one with go to controller) and other accessories go with them. I happen to need money, but since these are somewhat special, I would rather have them go to someone who would use them than to who has the most money.
They are located in Kentucky near Elizabethtown. Especially interested in getting a young person (people) something decent to get started with.
If anyone could help me find a home for these much loved scopes, I would appreciate it.

Re: Telescopes need home.

Posted: 17 Sep 2021 23:22
by Rob Trek
I'll reach out to Ben. He may be interested.

Re: Telescopes need home.

Posted: 24 Sep 2021 03:34
by DeMorcan
Thank you.