I did some right things. I sidelighted this with the natural light from the windows. I set it in front of the tv screen and waited until no light from the windows would hit the screen to get those glowy kind of reflections. Then I had one flower hang down and one around back to give a some more red off the screen. Mostly because I have shot so many good flower shots with all the flowers lined up, I was wanting to see if a poor composition could work. I edited a good edit with all the detail and wow factor expected on flicker of instagram. Then I went way too high on the contrast for the glass and stems and over clarity as well. Then I lowered the contrast and clarity on the roses and way oversaturated the red. Which lost even more detail. I then had stark hardness of the glass, soft shades of red, the reflections a TV screen gives. I made the roses reflection for subtle and darkened it, I ended up with this. I know it is edited wrong. I know all I did wrong. It is not a WOW photo that will make a top list on any site.
But what it is is printed out on silk (white silk, I could not find black)at 8X10, Then I took a 8X10 light box with an extra diffusion glass on top of it (to keep too much light from coming through the black) and then mounted the silk print. In daylight it is as your see it. At night it is a very gentle light in the room. I makes my room more pleasant and feels better with it their. As I can find lightboxes, I am making prints for friends who requested them. Going by who wants it hanging in their home perhaps they think it is the best one I have up. But then again I remember how many black velvet paintings in the day were sold. Public opinion is not the best judge of best. My prints come and go on my walls as I prefer to hang prints of others. Every photo I print I can see what is wrong and how I should have done it better. But this print stays. Some prints I live with for awhile and think I did a good job, that belongs in my portfolio. Some prints I look at and think that is a better memory than a photo. This I just look at and think I like that. What is a best photo? Is it the one you want to show everyone as an example of what you can do? Or is it one you just want to live with on your wall?