How to Share Pictures.
Posted: 17 Mar 2020 15:11
Only upload content that you have created.
Respect the copyright of others. This means don't steal photos or videos that other people have shared and pass them off as your own.
1) drag and drop from your computer into the text window, then below your post, you'll see the "Attachments" window
2) provide a link starting with "HTTP"
3) use bbcode as described below
You can use bbcode "img" where you place the url of the picture in between like this:
By posting any pictures in this forum, you are not giving up any rights or ownership. I will not repost or use these images for anything outside of this website.
Respect the copyright of others. This means don't steal photos or videos that other people have shared and pass them off as your own.
1) drag and drop from your computer into the text window, then below your post, you'll see the "Attachments" window
2) provide a link starting with "HTTP"
3) use bbcode as described below
You can use bbcode "img" where you place the url of the picture in between like this:
Code: Select all