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Sharp Lens in Good Light! Oly 75-300mm

Posted: 05 Apr 2020 22:18
by Rob Trek
Olympus E-M1 Mark III, Olympus 75-300mm
at 150mm, f/5.6, 1/320th, iso200, -1.0 ev
Pinhole III Art filter, SOOC jpg.

3EM53693.JPG (9.26 MiB) Viewed 1443 times

Olympus E-M1 Mark III, Olympus 75-300mm
at 300mm, f/6.7, 1/640th, iso640, -1.0 ev
Pinhole III Art filter, SOOC jpg.
This lens really needs to be shot at iso400 or lower. This shot was at iso640 but still the lens did a good job.

3EM53736.JPG (9.87 MiB) Viewed 1439 times

Re: Sharp Lens in Good Light! Oly 75-300mm

Posted: 06 Apr 2020 22:55
by Lemonhawk
Its nice that Olympus offers a wide range of lens in terms of normal to Pro versions. This is a much maligned lens by the big camera guys, but yet its just keeps making very satisfying Photographs. In the right light this is my favorite lens!

I think I was looking at AliExpress and noticed they had a 600mm f6.3 mirrored lens that fits m4/3. I can recall back in the OM1 days that there was an f8 500mm lens (cheap) but I never tried it, so I wonder about this 600 mm.

Re: Sharp Lens in Good Light! Oly 75-300mm

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:14
by RobShootPhotos
I almost bought one today. I saw it for $450 brand new on B&H yesterday. Went to purchased it this evening and it was back up to $550. I think with this lens I would rather buy new when its on the sales price than buy used. Who knows, if the price is right on KEH I might buy used. I just don't want a used one that isn't optically good even if it is nice and clean. I can be patient and wait for the sale again OR save a few dollars more and try out the little bit faster Panasonic 100-300mm. Hmm...

Re: Sharp Lens in Good Light! Oly 75-300mm

Posted: 10 Apr 2020 17:44
by Polarized
It's a great lens, especially, when you use it for animals / birding. Luckily, I can shoot some of them from my window, because our house is on a hill.

@Rob: Nice photos from a nice dog. We will looking for that Kind of dog too in the future. :-)

Re: Sharp Lens in Good Light! Oly 75-300mm

Posted: 10 Apr 2020 21:34
by Rob Trek
Another set of great images! You're getting better results than me.