You Tube video tutorials

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Joined: 22 Mar 2020 15:10

You Tube video tutorials

Post by yorkie »

Please can you point me to a comprehensive list/links to your excellent tutorial You tube videos.

I am subscribed and see all your new ones but certain I have missed some of your earlier ones.

If there isn't a list, maybe you could consider publishing one in your forum?
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Rob Trek
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Joined: 16 Mar 2020 14:27

Re: You Tube video tutorials

Post by Rob Trek »

Thanks, Yorkie.

I have them somewhat organized here: ... /playlists

I will have to go in and reorganize soon, but this should narrow it down a bit.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2020 15:10

Re: You Tube video tutorials

Post by yorkie »

Many thanks, never thought to look there. Duh!
As a newbie, your videos are helping me so much
Enjoy your coffee, you deserve it.
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