Emulating Fuji Colors on an Olympus Camera?

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Emulating Fuji Colors on an Olympus Camera?

Post by jpmccormac1 »

As much as I like the colors from my E-M10 ii I also love the colors from Fujifilm. Has anyone tried to emulate the standard Fujifilm colors by manipulating the Natural, Vivid or other styles in their Olympus camera? I recall Rob Trek mentioning his settings in one of his YouTube videos but I can't seem to find it.

Just getting close would make me happy.  Thanks.
John P. McCormack
"Sometimes the subject's not sharp, but the feelings are clear." - Rock Photographer Bob Gruen.
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Rob Trek
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Re: Emulating Fuji Colors on an Olympus Camera?

Post by Rob Trek »

The E-M10 II is very limited in controlling the color. I was able to get very close on some images, not so much on others.

Basically you need to set a picture mode, then fine-tune the white balance, highlights and shadows and gradation. Set your camera to auto-WB, then tweak the A & B values.

Fujifilm Chrome: Picture Mode Muted, A+1, G+2, Shadows -4, grad normal
Fujifilm Acros: Picture Mode Mono, Highlight -3, Shadow -2, grad auto
Fujifilm Velvia: Picture Mode Natural, A+2, G+1, highlight -2, shadow -4, grad normal, saturation +1
Fujifilm Provia: Picture Mode Natural, A+2, G+1, highlight 0, shadow 0, grad normal, saturation 0

Basically fuji is pushing the reds and green to give a warmer look and then adjusting contrast.
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Re: Emulating Fuji Colors on an Olympus Camera?

Post by jpmccormac1 »

Thanks. This is exactly what I needed.
John P. McCormack
"Sometimes the subject's not sharp, but the feelings are clear." - Rock Photographer Bob Gruen.
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Re: Emulating Fuji Colors on an Olympus Camera?

Post by jpmccormac1 »

FYI. I've been revisiting the Fujifilm emulations and discovered that DxO Photolab 4 has a good easy to use set of Fuji color emulations built into their application. I only have the Essential version but Astia, Provia and Velvia are available. It's possible to build your own simulations using the settings shown above by Rob.

Happy Shooting!
John P. McCormack
"Sometimes the subject's not sharp, but the feelings are clear." - Rock Photographer Bob Gruen.
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