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New Video Idea: Aperture Crop Factor

Posted: 09 Nov 2020 23:13
by jyutzey
Here's a thought for a video. Aperture crop factor. This is very confusing to some people. Two issues. 1) How does aperture affect DOF on M43? Compared to FF, it is affected by the 2X crop factor, in the same way that focal length is affected, e.g. f5.6 on M43 has the same DOF as F11 on FF. 2) Is, e.g., f5.6 the same aperture as f5.6 on FF? Yes and no. Is the hole that lets in light through the lens the same absolute size? No. Is the hole the same size relative to the sensor diagonal (ratio)? Yes. So in both cases, f5.6 functions the same as F11 on full frame on M43. On 1" sensor cameras, the crop factor is about 2.7, and on 1.7 sensors, about 4.5, but doing examples other than M43 may be just making things more complicated than necessary.

I've watched a number of your videos. You are very good at explaining these sort of issues: very patient, very detailed, very clear, excellent use of visuals. You're a born teacher.

So here's just a suggestion for one more video to add to your excellent stable of instructional offerings.
