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No support for E-M1 Mark III

Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:43
by Lasse
CaptureOne just updated it's software, but still no support for E-M1 Mark III.

I have to fall back to Lightroom which support this new camera.

Phase One, You have to move faster!

Re: No support for E-M1 Mark III

Posted: 04 Apr 2020 14:58
by fjhleger
Phase One people are cooking some serious parametrisation for each supported cameras. While the em1mk3 may not be very different from the X and the mk2, i am sure they will go thru their procedures before releasing the needed update, and if they are home confined as most of europe, this may delay furthermore the delivery of such files, as the instruments needed to do the measurements may not be available to the right people.


Re: No support for E-M1 Mark III

Posted: 24 May 2020 21:08
by WalterRowe
The latest Capture One 20 (13.1) now supports the E-M1 Mark III. Rob shared a raw file with me and I was able to edit it with this release.