Hello Everyone

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Hello Everyone

Post by jyutzey »

Hello everyone. My name is Jay Yutzey. I live in central Ohio, USA. I show up as John Yutzey in the streams, but my nickname is Jay. I am a hobby photographer, retired, and am an eclectic shooter. I shoot MFT about 85% of the time, mix of Oly and Panny, but mostly Panny. The other 15% is a mix of APS-C (Nikon), 35mm film (also NIkon), and 1" and 1/1.7 point and shoots. In the past, I have shot jpgs, but now shoot jpg + raw. I have two Oly cameras: an E-PM2 and an E-PM 6, both with EVFs (I have to have a finder on all of my cameras). I assemble my gear in kits and store it in bags so it's grab and go. The "always with me" kit is an old E-PM2 with the 14-42 and 40-150 kit lenses plus a 25 1.8. My typical kits include a do-it-all plus a fast prime (e.g. the E-PL6 with an Oly 14-150 plus a 17 1.8) or a three lens kit (e.g. a Panny GM5 with a 12-32, a 35-100, and a 20, which is my backup travel kit).

I don't really have what I would call a "style". My shooting buddy, a semi-retired pro who specialized in 4X5 archival documentary photography, tells me that my style is "goofy shots". I take that to mean that my favorite shots are those that have some sort of internal conflict, or otherwise just strike me as funny or have an interesting internal dynamic. I rarely shoot people, and when I do, it's just one or two. I've been known to wait for a long time until people get out of my shot. It's not that I don't like people; it's just that the story that I want to tell doesn't always include the people who are there.

I enjoy the Q&A streams and the editing streams tremendously, and participate as often as I can. Look forward to seeing all of you in future streams.

Peace and best,

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Rob Trek
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by Rob Trek »

Thanks for sharing your story, Jay. Really love having you in the streams as well. Nice little cameras you have there.

Welcome to the forum!
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:D Thank you! :D
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by DeMorcan »

Welcome. Glad to know I am not the only retired person. I am a hobby photographer now although a gallery sells a few prints for me. Most years anyway. I am not too far away in Kentucky. I look forward to seeing some of your photos.
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