Some random bird pics

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Some random bird pics

Post by evilknight3 »

All shot on my olympus 40-150 f4-5.6 with em10 ii
I realise I have a tendency to make my pics look really warm haha
P9070193.jpg (4.34 MiB) Viewed 997 times
P9070095.jpg (3.11 MiB) Viewed 997 times
P5210018.jpg (17.51 MiB) Viewed 997 times
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Rob Trek
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Re: Some random bird pics

Post by Rob Trek »

Great bird pics, Erik. Thanks for sharing! :D
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:D Thank you! :D
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Re: Some random bird pics

Post by ExtremelyDave »

That first picture almost looks like someone got creative and colorized a robin!!! :lol:
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