This is another globally edited photo (which I hardly ever do). If I was editing like I usually do, I would have done something about the 2 light areas in the lower left. But trying a SOOC camera look if the camera was programmed by a photographer. I had been seeing some photos I liked where they let the shadows go black and did not try to have any detail in them and thought I would try it. I am finding in Photoshop making an HSL layer, then a Selective Color with a B&W gradient map on top gives me much more control and a better result than the B&W conversion in Lightroom or Photoshop. I get it looking right as I do and do not need an curves or luminosity masks. It save me so much time and can produce any look I want. BTW, I did the one yesterday and today as Color profiles I can use in Lightroom which means they are not monotone and I can process the colors normally in Lightroom to refine each shot. The B&W conversion in light room you lose many color adjustments and saturating difference colors or changing white balance, etc with this as profile allows me to do so much more to the shot. As I do the color adjustments, I see the change in the B&W. If I am doing a B&W conversion this way I Lightroom because I could not get it in Photoshop, the main adjustment I do after selecting this color profile is Calibration. I know of no other way I can calibrate the colors and watch the change it makes to the monochrome image. And the changes this can make are immense.