2020 Vision

On a larger scale, I want to organize a way to more efficiently help you.  As my youtube channel grew, I started losing track of emails and comments from all of you.

So I’ve set up a FORUM as a place that you can ask questions, suggest new topics for youtube, and share your experience. **BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR THE AUTOMATED REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION** It should be much easier for us to stay connected and not get lost in all the fog. A threaded forum will help me keep better track of questions and topics I haven’t responded to. I also encourage you to help each other when you can.

If you’d like to contact me privately, you’re always welcome to email me rob at robtrek.com or just use the CONTACT FORM HERE. Please understand this is where your message can get lost in the fog.

The Live Streams on Youtube seem to be popular with many of you and I love getting a chance to connect more directly. I will strive to keep my Sunday 9:30 am EDT time slot, but I understand that this timeslot doesn’t work best for everyone. To that end, I will try to do one more during the week. I’m thinking of Thursdays 3:45 pm EDT.

** Tentative date for collaboration live stream set for Jan 16th, 3:45pm EDT. Peter Forsgard, Robin Wong, and Matti Sulanto will all be in attendance

Thanks again for all your support these past 3 years and I look forward to getting to know more of you in 2020!

4 thoughts on “2020 Vision

  1. Ronnie Davidson Reply

    Sounds good Rob. We need a strong Olympus champion and tutor.

  2. Mark Laurendet Reply

    Looking forward to your content in 2020. Hopefully some more tutorials as I think this is where you really shine as you seem to be the most easily understandable person for Olympus tutorials and you often do them for the lower grade cameras not flag ship models which is really appreciated

  3. yann Reply

    Hi Rob,
    all the best for this new year
    very nice evolution that forum
    welle done

  4. Sandeep Sinha Reply

    Its always a pleasure to watch your videos and gets your insights. Looking forward to the 16th Jan’20 Live Stream.. Wish you well.

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